Jewelry’s History

Jewelry’s History

Jewelry has been a form of adornment and self-expression for thousands of years. Here is a brief summary of its history:

Prehistoric Era: The oldest known jewelry was made from shells, bones, and animal teeth. These elements were often used in rituals and buried with the deceased.

Ancient Civilizations: The Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans were known for their intricate and beautiful jewelry. The Egyptians used gemstones like lapis lazuli and turquoise, while the Greeks favored gold and silver.

Middle Ages: During this time, jewelry became a symbol of wealth and status. The most popular materials were gold and silver, and gemstones were often used to adorn the jewelry.

Renaissance: Jewelry became more elaborate and ornate during this time, with intricate designs and gemstones being used more frequently.

Industrial Revolution: The invention of machines allowed jewelry to be mass-produced, making it more affordable and accessible.

20th Century: In the 1900s, jewelry design became more experimental, with the use of new materials like plastic and synthetic gemstones. The Art Deco and Art Nouveau movements also had a significant impact on jewelry design during this time.

Today, jewelry continues to be an important part of fashion and culture, with a wide variety of styles and materials available for people to choose from.

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